Accreditation Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How should the needs assessment in my application be described?

Your needs assessment should contain both perceived and unperceived needs that were identified following the collection of data and other information from various sources. The methods you use will depend on the target audience and subject matter.

Sources of information about perceived needs can be:

  • Consultation with planning committee members
  • Surveys
  • Questionnaires
  • Focus groups
  • Direct requests from the target audience

Sources of information about unperceived needs can be:

  • Self-assessment tests
  • Direct observation of practice performance
  • Quality assurance data from hospitals and health regions
  • Provincial databases
  • Incident reports
  • Published literature

How should the learning objectives be described?

Participants in a learning activity need to understand what information or skills they will acquire during the session or event. This is a key component of adult learning.

Participants consult the learning objectives to determine whether an event or session meets their learning needs. The learning objectives should clearly map the direction of the content, how it will be presented, and the expected outcome for all parties involved.

Learning objectives should be specific and written from the learner’s perspective. They should include action verbs describing what the participant will be able to do or the action they will be able to undertake. The details should be specific and refer to the outcome of the learning objective. For example:

At the end of this session, participants will be able to describe several effective strategies for managing conflict.

At the end of this session, participants will be able to apply strategies that enhance self-awareness and continued self-development.

What types of educational delivery methods should I use?

Multiple methods may be used for content delivery. Incorporating interactivity is essential.

Actively engaging participants in the program/session allows them to frame the topic within their own context. Instead of information merely being transmitted, the learner acquires and links new knowledge to his or her current theoretical knowledge and experience in practice.

Examples of interactive delivery formats:

  • Small-group sessions
  • Workshops
  • Hands-on practice
  • Online programs (with interaction between participants and faculty)